Demystifying project management skillsets
Demand for project management skills is on the rise but plugging the gap will require a focus on both attracting new entrants and equipping people in other roles with the appropriate expertise
By 2030, the world will be short of around 25 million project professionals, generating a potential hit to global GDP of up to $345.5bn, research has revealed.
There are three key reasons behind this shortfall, according to Project Management Institute’s (PMI) ‘2021 Talent Gap Report.’ First, 13 million people are predicted to retire from the profession over the next eight years.
Second, demand is rising for project professionals particularly in emerging and developing countries as their economies grow. The third factor relates to an increase in the number of jobs requiring these skills in heavily ‘projectised industries,’ such as construction, publishing, and financial and professional services.
Elizabeth Harrin, who runs the Project Management Rebels mentoring community and is author of ‘Managing Multiple Projects,’ explains the dynamics at work.
“More jobs require an element of project management due to an increase in knowledge work,” she says. “But many organisations are also trying to do new things and do them in a more structured, repeatable and less wasteful way to get them to market quicker, so it’s really about competitive advantage.”
In order to plug the existing talent gap, however, PMI’s study estimates that around 2.3 million people will need to both enter the profession and develop appropriate skillsets for use in other roles each year.
Barriers to professional entry
But there are currently a number of barriers to entry, says Harrin. Most of them centre on the fact that the sector is young and “is not yet professionalised in the same way as accountancy and engineering,” she says.
For example, a lack of common terminology and standardisation results in job titles meaning different things in different contexts. So, in one organisation, a ‘project coordinator’ could be high-level role, but an entry-level position in another. This makes it important to check job descriptions carefully.
Another challenge, according to input from Harrin’s community, is that “the certification landscape is confusing. There are so many certification choices offered by different organisations that my advice is to look at the job, what you want to do, which industry you want to do it in, and establish the most appropriate option on that basis.”
The situation is also not helped by a lack of clarity among new entrants or people keen to move sideways into a project role about how best to obtain suitable work experience.
But Harrin adds: “If, for example, you’ve planned a wedding or organised a gap year travelling around Europe, you have project management skills, so things like budgeting, scheduling, planning, coping with risk and developing resilience. It’s just about reframing your experience.”
Understanding the talent triangle
To take it a step further, Keren Deront, PMI’s European business lead, says that key project management skills can be grouped into what she calls a ‘talent triangle.’
The first side of this triangle comprises technical skills, which include being able to manage project life-cycles, estimate costs and prevent scope creep. The second is based on leadership or so-called ‘power skills.’ These include coaching, being able to communicate effectively and motivate others.
The final point of the triangle consists of strategic and business management. The focus here is on ensuring activities are aligned with company goals, which includes being able to analyse strengths and weaknesses, develop innovative strategies and enable legal compliance.
While such demands may appear high and the scope broad, Deront acknowledges that “there’s no such thing as a perfect project manager and everyone has gaps in their skillsets.”
She adds: “You do need to be well-rounded and well-versed, but you’re not alone as there’ll always a team working with you to help make the dream a reality.”
Making the dream a reality
This notion of making the dream a reality is an important one as it plays a key role in where most project managers derive much of their job satisfaction.
Harrin says: “The profession attracts people who like to tick things off on a list and get things done so they can make a difference in the world. You can clearly see the link between what you do and the results, and the value you add is quite transparent.”
Another advantage is that many project management skills are transferable and can be applied in a range of different contexts. This means, for instance, that if new entrants choose to undertake a degree or apprenticeship in project management, they are not tied to a single profession but can use the skills across a range of different roles.
One organisation that has set up its own Level 4 apprenticeship scheme to take advantage of this broad applicability is the Leeds Health and Care Academy. It is partner-funded by the city’s NHS trusts, council and other local bodies, to provide a joined-up approach to learning and development across its entire health and care workforce in order to support the cross-fertilisation of ideas.
Jess Scrimshaw, the academy’s programme manager, says: “To address the challenges we’re facing, it’s all about change and developing new services, which is why we wanted to invest in project management. A lot of people are doing it already but there’s something about a formal qualification and training that gives people the confidence to apply their skills and build on their strengths.”
The organisation kicked off with its first cohort of 15 apprentices, which was evenly split between traditional project managers and those in other roles, in November 2021. A second cohort of 20 is due to start in early 2023, with a third scheduled to follow later that year. Over time, the aim is to broaden the intake to include those not currently employed by partner organisations.
Project management is no longer just a business or technical skill; it’s also a life skill
But the benefits are already starting to show. For example, says Scrimshaw, feedback has shown that existing apprentices have become on average 13% more efficient in managing projects, which saves them about 10 hours per month.
Deront adds: “While there have always been projects, they’ve not necessarily always been called that, so perceptions have changed. But nearly everyone is working on them in some way these days, and project management is no longer just a business or technical skill; it’s also a life skill.”